Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Night Out!!

Dan and I got dressed up and headed out on the town without the kid! For a Christmas present, my mom and Bob came down and babysat and gave us a night out. So Dan and I headed out to Caraba's! Awsome food! The best part is the bread and olive oil with herbs and spices that comes out before the meal. I had my first glass of wine in over a that was pretty nice!! After dinner we went to the movies. We both agreed on the movie we wanted to see: "Chronicles of Narnia; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" I thought they did an incredible job holding true to the book. I highly recommend both the book and the movie!! When we arrived at the movie theatre, we ran in to our friends Kari and Tommy, so that was fun:)

But by the time the movie was over I was anxious to get back home, so we didn't stick around to chit chat. Dan had stopped me from calling home in between dinner and the movie because he said they would be expecting that. I should have called, because with a half an hour to go in the movie my mind was pretty preoccupied with wondering how he was doing. I should know better...I need to just listen to my maternal instincts...I would have enjoyed the movie all the more and been able to stick around and talked with Kari and Tommy. But that's the way things go!! Overall we both had a really nice time though!! Once I called and found out things were good at home, I relaxed, but I was still anxious to go home and cuddle with him. That was the longest I had been away from him.

If you would have told me a year ago that I would have that strong of feelings about leaving him, I would have laughed, but it comes with the territory of motherhood!! I am sure that every time will get easier. I hadn't even thought that Dan had already dealt with leaving him, because he had already gone back to work...this was very new to me. All in all we all survived:) And will continue to go out on our own and out with him with us:) We won't let having a child restrict us to our home...I would go nuts!!!

(Grandma and Josiah snuggling...I think they had a good time, don't you?)


momteacherfriend said...

Lookin that make-up?

Kari said...

I'm glad you two are taking time out to enjoy eachother alone. Mark and I talk about doing that too. I'm sure you want to be there with the baby for everything, but it's important to have "dates" with your hubby too.
And it's good for Josiah to learn too that it's okay when mommy leaves - she's coming back. There are a lot of kids out there that freak out if a parent leaves for the evening, it makes it rough adapting to new environments.