Tuesday, January 17, 2006

6 Years and Counting

Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary
January 15th, 2006

6th Year Anniversary: We went to Applebee's in Charlotte and had a very nice dinner. We actually counted the night out with grandma and grandpa babysitting as our big celebration since we had a babysitter. But we still had a nice time going out to dinner (even with the kiddo). We are looking forward to many, many more years.
Started our Family: Dec. 2nd, 2005 we welcomed Josiah into our family
5 year Anniversary: Went to Disneyland
Married: January 15th, 2000
Engaged: February 12th, 1999 (Heather snuck in a proposal with a ring and all the day before we were planning on shopping for a ring:)
1st Date: Aug. 1998 to see the movie "Ever After"
1st Kiss: Aug. 1st 1998

(A picture from before we were married. We love to be silly!! May that always be a theme in our marriage)


momteacherfriend said...

That would mean I have known you just over 6 years! I remember going to your bridal shower. Congrats!

heather j said...

That's right!! I am so glad that our paths have begun crossing again. I absolutely love girls night in!! So many of us need it desparately and I know I can speak for all of us that I am very grateful that you have taken it upon yourself to initiate it every month. Next time no kid though...I need to get away and just enjoy myself and he takes so much attention and is soooo fussy in the evenings that I will enjoy not having to deal with it for one evening a month:)

momteacherfriend said...

I am so glad we have reconnected as well!
As for the ladies night I can not take much credit. It is something God has laid on my heart to do. I have had so much fun connecting with all of the women. It is such a necessity for us to have time with our girlfriends. Time to laugh and be women. Not moms or wives or students...just women. I will keep having it as long as people keep coming...somehow I don't think that will be an issue.

I think that was the long way of saying your welcome!

Mindy Richmond said...

Happy Anniversary! God has blessed your marriage in the last six years and may he bless you even more richly in the next sixty!