Monday, January 02, 2006

Josiah's 1st Photoshoot

Once again Christy has outdone herself. We had a lot of fun with this photoshoot. But boy was he mad when we first started out:) It was a bit cold for him (he loves laying in by the woodstove and being all snuggly warm all the time) and it turned out that he was hungry (dinner time came right in the middle of the shoot). Once we resolved those two things he mellowed out and Christy was able to get some awsome pictures. The photographs where he was really mad are just as cute, but I thought I would post the ones where you could see his face:) He is just two precious and Christ was truly able to capture that in these pictures!!! We are soooo blessed by this little guy. Josiah is absolutely a Miracle!!


momteacherfriend said...

I can see you in the third picture.

heather j said...

We think he has my nose and mouth and Dan's eyes. I know he doesn't have my chin, but we haven't seen Dan's chin in so long that we're not sure if it's his or not:) hehe