Saturday, January 28, 2006

8 Weeks Old

I can't believe that he is 8 weeks old already!!!
(Don't you just love the matching outfits!!! My sweatshirt was a gift from Julie, Dan's mom, and Josiah's outfit was a gift from Kathie, my stepmom. It was a perfect day to wear fleece outside, so I thought it would be fun to get a picture of us while we were dressed so cute)

I know people always say that time really flies with little ones, that they grow so fast and continually change before your eyes. They weren't kidding. I can't believe how much Josiah is changing and growing. We are having so much fun together and I am learning his cues for when he is tired vs when he is hungry.
I weighed Josiah on my scale yesterday to see how much he weighed and he weighed in at a healthy 13 lbs!! I can hardly believe it!! My little boy isn't so little anymore...but he still is little though. We love snuggling. I hear that I need to be grateful that I have a snuggler and enjoy it while it lasts:) And that I do, I make a conscious effort to appreciate the snuggling time we have together.
(My Little Angel that God Let Me Snuggle With)
Some fun things that Josiah is doing:
-He is really starting to talk alot. We can tell that he is definately using his vocal chords now and trying very hard to mimic us. Dan even has him saying Goo. It is hilarious to see Josiah when Dan says Goo to him....he just smiles and laughs and tries to say goo back. Tooo cute!!!
-For me he smiles and talks the most when I am singing "Do Lord, oh Do Lord" to him. It almost sounds like he is trying to sing along with me:) What a little genious;) heheheh
-He is standing up almost completely on his own. It truly amazes us. We don't have another 8 week old baby to compare him too, but it is hard for me to believe that most babies are standing like he is. Part of me wants to encourage it, just because I want him to be strong so we can brag:) But part of me wants him to stay little and not grow up to be big and strong:)
-He has discovered the ceiling fan:) He can sit for almost a half an hour and just watch the fan.
All in all, we are all doing well and having fun with our little bundle of joy!!! It has been 8 weeks of trials and smiles, learning about Josiah and learning about ourselves, of learning how a baby really does change everything, but in an awsome way!!!

1 comment:

momteacherfriend said...

Dan needs a red fleece mickey as well.