Thursday, January 05, 2006

Another First

(These are Josiah's 1 month pictures, only taken a couple of days late:)

Today is a big day for me!! I am going to leave Josiah in the very capable hands of my friend Katie. I have left him alone with my mom and Dan's mom for very short periods of time, but this is the first non-family member I have left him with. Plus this is the first time that he will need to get a bottle.

Oh yah, another first: Dan gave him a bottle for the first time on Tuesday night. I went shopping with Katie and her friend Brandi earlier in the day and got some good advice about bottles. It was as if he didn't even notice that the food wasn't coming out of the same source...good, because now we can leave him with a sitter for longer than 2 hours) and bad, because he is growing up to fast already (I even cried a little...those darn hormones are still hanging around) He ate like a champ though and came right back to the boob later that night and repeated all this the second night, so I dont' think we have anything to worry about. I think he just loves to eat and will get it however it comes!! Men!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,
it was great to be home in Midland, I miss it so much. It was so unique to hold young Josiah, what a wonderful baby boy. I can't believe he is already a month old, time is moving quickly. I know everything will go well for you all. take care

ParksnRec said...

I know I don't have kids...but I feel very confident in saying that they never slow down in the growing up department. That's ok though, because each stage brings fun new things to see and learn! Congrats on the big step of going out sans Josiah. It must be hard, but it's one of those things you gotta do, eh?

momteacherfriend said...

As I was reading this post Josh was looking at the picture of Dan feeding Josiah. He said "mommies feed babies." lol

Yes mommies do feed babies but mommies are oh so happy to get out of the house.

Kari said...

Keep the pictures coming! It's amazing to see how much he's grown even in 1 month!

heather j said...

I can't believe how much he is growing and changing. He has gained a pound...I took him to weight watchers and weighed him in:) I was really curious to see how much he weighed. I will be anxious to see how long he is when we take him to his 1 month appt next Tuesday.

Mindy Richmond said...

And yes, ladies and gentlemen, after an entire month, Josiah Johnson still holds his title as the cutest baby boy in the world !!

I still say you and Dan dun good.

And I am so proud at how you are taking all these changes in graceful stride. God is good.

heather j said...

Thanks Mindy, that means alot!! Although we didn't have much to do with our genetic combinations...we still think he's the cutest too:)