Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Tooth is Gone...

...but the tooth fairy isn't going to come until tomorrow night! Then again maybe we will hold onto it until he understands a little better and not chance waking him up in the middle of the night. They gave it to us in a little treasure chest. Kind of cool! Right now he is still struggling with the pacifiers being gone. He ended up in bed with us last night because I just don't fit in his little bed and he just couldn't be pacified. Come to find out, Dan didn't give him his Motrin before bed and he might have just been in pain.

Everything went very well at the dentist today! They started out with the sedative, based on his weight. He weighs a whopping 35lbs now! I think he gained a bunch of weight while we were camping like the rest of us ;) But he is definitely getting heavy!!! So anyway, the sedative k
icked in but it didn't seem to slow him down at all...I mean at all. Even though he was swaying and tripping and falling, he just wouldn't sit still. Like I said yesterday, there really isn't much to do in that office. Shoot another family had the same idea we did...portable DVD player. but then Josiah wanted to watch the other little girls video and then he wanted to touch it and then push buttons. Little stinker! but then it was finally time for him to go back to where I couldn't join him. That was much harder than I had anticipated. I didn't want to hand him over! And I almost started to cry, but he did really well! They called me to pay the bill before he got out so that when he was done I could just take him and go and not worry about having to still pay the bill. What a great system!!!

So they ended up just having to pull the one tooth. The other big tooth looks like it dropped down quite a ways, but the dentist said that it should be fine...just looks funny. He had this perfect little mouth, with perfectly straight little teeth and now one is missing, the other one is down and out and they other two are crooked. But thankfully it didn't appear that any damage had been done to the adult teeth. Great news in fact!! The tooth came out in one piece and no bone had been damaged in the fall. They did have to put one stitch in because a good majority of the gums had been injured and were gone. If you aren't up for grosse pictures you might want to stop here, because the last one is pretty gruesome in my opinion!! But that is what it looks like. However, as you can see his big blue eyes make up for the gap in the teeth ;)

He did not want to smile for a picture, so I had to include this one because he is just so darned cute!!!

And again, couldn't get him to look at me, but still cute...the next ones aren't so cute :P

Cheese :) Ok, so this one is still cute :)
He couldn't keep his tongue out of the hole, but I don't think I could have either.This is the one that shows how the gums actually look! Poor little guy, but the dentist was pretty sure that he would probably be in less pain now than before the tooth came out just because of the way it was hanging there.

1 comment:

momteacherfriend said...

Poor little guy.