Monday, September 15, 2008

Grandma Sherry and Papa Bob come for a Visit

We had quite a weekend! I took Friday off from work to participate in the Annual Alumni Marching Band Golf Outing. What a blast!! I golfed with 2 people that were marching the year I was born. They were so much fun! the woman had never golfed and was just a character, and the guy looked like he still smoked pot, so they were pretty fun people to golf with.
Friday night my mom and Bob came down to watch Mallory (my niece) race in the cross county invitational which took place only a mile from where I work. She does very well! Not sure what place she came in but she definitely finished in the top 10% or so.
Saturday was a very early day for me since I had to be at the stadium by 7:30am. The rain had started the day before and had not let up all night and it decided to keep going strong all day long. It's a good thing that I love marching band so much because I probably would not have stuck it out otherwise. What a crappy day, but what fun! It is always so great to see everyone again. I have marched 7 out of the 10 years I have been out of college. One year I was 7 months pregnant :) My mom and Bob came out for the game and to watch me of did Dan and Josiah, but they (ok, just Dan) was miserable. They had no plans on going to the game, but they scooted out as soon as they saw me on the way tot he stadium. Guess I can't blame then, it was raining pretty hard by that point. We left after halftime, which they wouldn't let us march because we might tear up the field...whatever, but at least we got to play :)
Saturday night our power went out, actually only half of our power. Which told us that it was not due to the storm, rain and flooding. Not a good thing. Bob and Dan became detectives and finally figured out that something in the meter box had melted and there was nothing we could do about it that night. The rigged some of the breakers so that we had power to the main things (bathroom, lights, plugs, etc.) to get us through the next week if need be. We then called this morning and they told us it would probably be over $500 (Yikes!!! Gues we shouldn't have spent our money on a new camera and a Wii, but such is life and we will figure something out). then Dan talked to our daycare providers husband and he said that he was able to take care of it himself with an electrician standing by to help out. So there is still a chance that we won't have to pay that much money!! We can always pray!!!!
Sunday morning our yard was completely flooded (see the next post for pictures), but our house was dry :) Thank you God!! A great weekend with a few little blurps of not so much fun!

Does this look like a kid who just went through a mouth trama?? Kids heal sooo very fast!!


Mindy Richmond said...

Mike was at that game and saw the alumni band. He said he looked for you but couldn't find you. He was helping his friend work security so he was down on the field, getting soaked with the rest of them.

Grace Acres said...

hey I love the new look of polka dots.