Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Halloween in September

These pictures were taken about 15 minutes before he fell for the second time. I woke him up from his nap (which he was sleeping pretty soundly) to get into his costume to go for a contest that wasn't really a contest at all. The kids lined up, gave a girl their name and that was it. She put a star by the kids she thought were cute and that was that. Definitely not worth waking a sleeping 2 1/2 year old for. So I felt a little bit bad about that, but I felt even worse about the fact that he fell immediately after the contest, which I had woken him up to participate in. He so did not want to get up, he wanted to just lay there and go back to sleep. I was soooo torn! I had been looking so forward to this and I thought the costume contest would be fun, not just standing in a dumb line to have a girl pick who she thought was cute. So I have had to deal with this guilt and I have dealt with it mostly. I still feel pretty bad, but I know it was an accident that could have happened at any time. Oh yah, the bribe I used to get him up out of bed to put his costume on was to have candy later that day, which he was never really able to partake in because of the fall :( Such is life!!

(I love this picture...my flying little superman...to bad he couldn't have flown over the cement instead of hitting it head first ;O)

Shortly after the fall, we decided to make a trip to the ER, but were back in time to go trick-or-treating around teh campsites. We also handed out the candy that we had bought for handing out :) Josiah enjoyed putting one piece of candy in each persons little bag. The bummer about the candy though, is that we had left our haunted house all set up with the candy out in a bowl and some stupid young boys came in and took half the bowl. The neighbors noticed that they had been in there too long and went and rescued the bowl of candy so we had a little bit to hand out, but still kind of a bummer. At any rate, Josiah put his costume back on and we headed out to get some candy that he would not be able to eat, but he still had fun going around and seeing everything. All you had to do is ask him to do Superman and he would either put up just one arm or put both up in the air. So cute!!!

He did sneak a piece of candy, but we ended up have to cut it into small pieces and have him push it to the back of his mouth (which he was very good at doing). The doctor had wanted him on a liquid diet. Tell that to a 2 1/2 year old who just wants to eat hot dogs and PB&J's. So we just cut everything up small and made sure it was good and soft.

After trick-or-treating, we went to find out if he had won anything in the halloween contest (which he didn't), but we got to get a picture with Boo-Boo and then a bunch of cute girls at the Yogi statue :) My kid the little socialite!!

The campground has Halloween in September every year. We knew this ahead of time and I prepared for it for a couple of weeks. Getting Josiah's costume together and putting together decorations for our campsite. There was a campsite decoration contest, which I didn't win, but I didn't go out and spend hundreds of dollars like the people that won. But I had fun setting up the decorations at our campsite. I was really looking forward to that since we live out in the country and don't really get trick-or-treaters at our house.


david santos said...

Great posting!!!
Very, very nice!!!!

Grace Acres said...

I think your little superman is really cute and sorry for a few naughty people haing to put a sour note on things.

Mindy Richmond said...

You ought to come to my house on Halloween and hand out candy to the kids, since I never want to. This year I'll be at Chrysalis but you are still welcome to borrow my neighborhood ;)

Oh, and I love that picture of Josiah on the swing, with his cape flying high!