Thursday, September 11, 2008


When we got back from camping, we made our way out to the garden to see if anything had been produced while we were gone and much to our surprise, lots of stuff was ready to pick. I'm not sure if we will have enough tomatoes to can any salsa, but we sure are going to try. We have 8 tomato plants and only the tomatoes on two of the plants have turned red. Very bad season for Tomatoes and we got our plants in late, so we will most likely be out of the running to can tomatoes. But we got a ton of cherry tomatoes and I just love to pop those for a snack :)

Can anyone guess what these are?

When I went to the market to buy seeds in the spring, we were very late getting our garden in, so this is the mix we got. They are actually all carrots. It was the science mix :) The yellow and white are those colors all the way through, but the purple carrot is actually orange on the inside!! Kind of fun!!

1 comment:

Grace Acres said...

your produce looks awesome, I feel so sad for josiah and his tooth troubles but he looks so adorable anyway. I was wondering if I could get some info from Dan's work for my brother in law to apply. I lost your phone number and your email. we look forward to seeing you on sunday if it works for you. I loved the pictures of uncle johns cider mill and think I might take the boys in a couple weeks.