Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am almost done with canning! Yesterday I did canned raspberry jam and today I did banana pepper rings. I have had so much fun canning this year. I have received several jars in return (pickled beets and apple butter from Christina, Chili sauce from Dawn, and Blueberry jam from my neighbor). I have given a bunch of my canned goods away and I love that feeling. A couple of people asked me if they could buy some from me, but I love to give it away :)
Freezer Raspberry Jam

Jalapeno Jam

Salsa and Spaghetti Sauce

Everything (minus what I have given away and plus 4 jars that were given to me;)


Grace Acres said...

Your jalepeno jam looks beautiful, You did awesome with your canning. have a great night.

Mindy Richmond said...

That raspberry jam is TO DIE FOR! Yummy!