Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Saturday Night

I just haven't had a chance to get to my computer since this weekend. Busy, busy...but now Josiah is asleep and I am in for the day:) Kind of nice to just hang out at home after 2 days out and about. However last week, I was feeling like I so needed to get out and about...I was having adult withdrawel!!!

But Saturday night cured that!! My friend Sarah, has started a "Girls Night In" one Saturday a month. She has invited all these women from her various circles of friends and we all come together and do girlie stuff:) The first month, we did a Taco Bar and watched Anne of Green Gables. The second month, I had to miss because I had just given birth, but I was bummed I missed it because they did spa night...definatley going to have to do that one again:) I have a foot spa and parrafin wax dip and I love to do pedicures and manicures:) The third month was game night and I love games, but I had to bring Josiah with me because he wasn't taking a bottle yet and I was his only food source. So I was really distracted most of the night...but I learned a new game and that is always fun. Apples to Apples, I think it was called and what a riot!! I think I am going to have to add that one to my collection.

This month was "Hobby" night! I had decided that I wasn't going to bring Josiah with me. I really needed a night out without having to think about Josiah...ok I thought about him all the time, but I didn't have the responsibility of attending to his every need:) That was Dan's job that night. Dan was going to have to put him to bed for the first time with a bottle. I had no idea how that would go...but we have a nightly routine and Josiah really does know that it is nighttime because he gets a bath every night. That is his cue to go to sleep while he is eating after the bath...and it has worked fabulously ever since we started doing it. And "Thank You Lord" Josiah went right to sleep for Dan. I was sooooo excited!! I now have the freedom to go out at night and not have to be home before 10:00pm. I was soooo proud of Dan that night!!!! I knew he could do it, but I didn't know if Josiah would be willing to go to bed without the boob:)

So on my way in to town I went to Michaels to return some things and get more scrapbooking stuff. If I haven't posted yet about scrapbooking...I am totally back into it and having a blast putting it together. I feel energized and creative again....I absoultely love to scrapbook and had forgot just how much I loved it. I just haven't had much to scrapbook in a long time, but now I have hundreds of pictures to choose from every month:)

I then called up my friend Mindy to see if she wanted a ride to "Girls Night In." Glad I had called her because she was on the fence whether she was going to go or not, but with a ride and a nice warm car awaiting her she decided to go and I bet she's glad she went because everyone pitched in to help her with her hobby. Stamping is fun when there are lots of people to share their creativity:) I tried to do some scrapbooking, but realized that I like it quiet and then I ran out of tape anyways, so I just simply enjoyed being in all adult women's company!!! I can't wait until next month!!!


momteacherfriend said...

So glad you came...and brought Mindy with you!

Next month it is between return of spa night or dinner and a movie in.

Mindy Richmond said...

Okay, just to get the record straight: I was not on the fence about going, it was just that I had very recently awoken from a great nap and had to psyche myself up for going out into the cold. So with Heather's offer to pick me up, no psyching was necessary.

It was great having everyone help with stamping those invitations!

And I missed game night, but I have that game Apples to Apples. I love it!

heather j said...

Sorry about that Mindy!!! I just didn't get into the details about the nap on the blog because the post was already soooo long. I concur...I was just really glad that you decided to come out in the cold!! Again, I am sorry Mindy!! I should just stick to talking about Josiah...I can't misquote him yet;) hehehehe

Anonymous said...

We have enjoyed reading Josiah's blog site and seeing all the adorable pictures. It sounds like everything is going perfect for all of you! God is good! It was great talking with you on the phone recently too. Lots of love to all!