Friday, February 03, 2006

Josiah is 2 Months Old Today!!

It is sooo hard for me to believe that Josiah has been part of our lives for 2 entire months now...then again, I can't believe that it has only been 2 months. He has just slipped right into our lives like he has been there all along. We can't imagine our lives without him in anymore!! What a blessing he is to us and we just love him to pieces:) We go for his 2 month check up next week...but I took some preliminary measurements at home today and he weighs between 12lbs and 12 1/2 lbs. His length is right around 24 1/2" and I forgot to check his head measurement. According to those measurements that puts him in the 75% range for weight and 100% for height. I think we are going to have a big kid on our hands. But who really cares about all this stuff when he wakes me up in the morning with a huge grin on his face!!


Anonymous said...

What a happy little man!! i can't get over how much he smiles... I know you see his other side too but i still havn't seen a baby so young smile so much!

heather j said...

He has been a smiley little guy almost from the get go!! We have in his calender that he was 9 days old when he gave a toothless grin to one of the guys in our church praise band (the trumpet player of course:)) he is laughing up a storm now, which makes us laugh all the more!!!