Friday, February 10, 2006

The Results are in for Month 2

My boy is just getting to big to fast!!!!

I took Josiah to the Dr. yesterday and got all of his measurements and the dreaded shots. From the advice of friends, I nursed him a little when I got their and saved the rest for after his shots. I also gave him Tylenol right before the shots.

He did so great! The nurse came in and weighed and measured him first thing:

Height: 24 inches (75-90&)
Weight: 13lbs 0oz (75-90%)
Head: 16 inches

Then I nursed him until the Dr. came in to have a look. He has a mild case of eczema on his forehead...but the Dr. said it could just be from the dry weather also. So he prescribed some lotion that would help out in either case. Other than that he was in perfect health:) After the Dr. left, it took some time for the nurse to get the shots ready, so Josiah got to charm the entire office staff. He smiled at everyone which is just his nature...he is a smiley guy:) Then I went back into the room and started to sing "Do Lord" to see if he would cooh for everyone and right on cue, he sang like a little angel:) The physician's asst had to come in to see what all the talking was about. He is great with kids, as is his Dr. We are very lucky that they are right here in town.

Then came the shots. I thought I was ready, but not really sure you can be fully prepared for two nurses poking your son with needles and the other holding his legs down. I thought since I had been there for his circumcision, this would be nothing...but I had forgotten how drugged I was;) The shots were tough...he screamed, I almost cried, but it definately broke my heart, just like it does every time he screams at home (which, thank you God, isn't very often). But as soon as they were done, he calmed down and I picked him up and cuddled him. Then I went in to nurse him on the other side to relax him the rest of the way.

I thought we were going to be in for a rough evening. But when we got home, he fell asleep for 4 hours got up ate and played with Dad for a little bit and was back to sleep for another 4 hours. I had to wake him up for his bath and to eat again before bed. Then he slept 7 hours last night. I know there is still a possibility that he might get fussy tonight, but I am thankful he did so well last night.


momteacherfriend said...

I just heard a couple weeks ago that they are linking peanut allergies with ecsema cream. Apparently it has traces of peanut oil...or something like that. You may want to check out the ingredients of your cream.

Anonymous said...

HI Heather-
I had a rough week and weekend...and is it a long story. I read your blog and can't beleive how much he is growing. What a cutie pie though! Its great the you both did well with the shots hehe. hope he is still doing well and you are too. take care