Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"Alone" Time

I have been meaning to post about my "alone" time since Tuesday morning, but I just haven't had a chance yet!! I feel busier now than I ever did while I was working!!!

After writing the last post, I realized that I needed to do something for myself in order to get alone time, it wasn't going to just magically appear. So I called up my good pal Mindy on Monday afternoon to see what she was doing that night. Thankfully she had no plans and was excited to get together. She decided she would cook us a meal and I provided the movie:) Then I called Dan to make sure he didn't have plans, because now he did;) He was going to take care of Josiah for the entire evening!!! He agreed without a fuss (thankfully). I had plans for a night out without Josiah and I was thrilled!!! I realized earlier in the day that "alone" time didn't necessarily mean by simply meant, time where I didn't have to think about anyone but me:)

So I made up a couple of bottles so that Josiah was all set with food for the evening. I packed up the breast pump and headed out for an evening of no responsibilities:) First I weighed in at weight watchers (where I lost 2 pounds, yipeee!!) and then I was off for a a fun girls night. Mindy cooked an awesome meal followed be even more awesome cupcakes...hmm yellow cake with chocolate frosting my favorite!!! We just sat around talking about this and that and it was sooo great not to have to worry about whether or not Josiah was going to sleep for his entire naptime or if he was going to wake up early and fussy. I had such a great time!! Thank you Mindy for being home and for cooking for me.

I gave Dan a call on my way home and Josiah had been pretty fussy most of the night. I think Josiah is getting back into his fussy had subsided for awhile, but it seems to be creeping back into his schedule. Not fun!! But at any rate, the two survived and both were glad to see me...Dan was glad so I could take over and Josiah was glad to see the boob. Instant comfort!!!

So Dan is going to start watching Josiah one night every other week to start and hopefully that will get easier and easier for Josiah. I know he loves his mommy but he needs to get used to being without me a little more.

Thanks for the advice and comments to Sarah, Kari U. and Terra! I really do need alone time and so does Dan. He needs to have time either at home or with his friends where he doesn't have to hear the fussing or worry that he isn't taking Josiah enough or dealing with me;) Everyone needs time alone or with their friends away from their children to remain sane!!! So we are going to try and do that more, now that we have settled in to life with a child!!!

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