Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why so many posts in one night??

I have two sick boys at home tonight :( Dan stayed home from work today with a really upset stomach and needing to be near home (if you know what I mean). He said he felt mostly fine but just didn't think he could be to far from the thrown. But since he felt fine, I was able to get out to the garden and get some much needed weeding done (the strawberries which were newly transplanted as well as the rhubarb were getting choked out and I didn't want all my hard work to go to waste. So I was greatful to get out there today. I also picked a bunch of veggies. I was finally able to get some refridgerator pickles going. And I finally got a couple of cherry tomatoes. I can't wait until the plants are loaded. I could eat them by the handful. Hopefully all the canning tomatoes ripen at the same time so my mom can come down to help me can. I just hope they don't all ripen while we are gone camping in two weeks. That would be a real bummer. Big sidebar sorry).

When I got in from gardening, Dan was dozing on the couch and Josiah had made his way to his room, lights out and in his bed. I just thought he wanted his pacifiers which he doesn't get unless he is in bed and we are now rethinking that since he can easily get into his big boy bed now. He was also complaining about his "owy back" He kept saying owie, but appeared fine. He didn't eat much lunch, but I just thought he was antsy and didn't want to sit still.

By the time I called Dan to see how he was feeling, Josiah was puking at daycare and he was on his way to pick him up. Almost 3 years old and this is our first experience with puking. Kim said that he was doubled over saying, owie, owie, owie. But she couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong and she knew that Dan was home sick so she was keeping a good eye on him. She called Dan to let him know that something wasn't right, but he was sick or anything. She had to call him back 10 minutes later to ask him to come get him because he was puking and puked until Dan got there 15 minutes later. Poor kid! She was smart to put a pull-up on him, but so far tonight he is only puking.

I got my work done by 6:30pm and took half a sick day. Because the last think you want to do when you are sick, is take care of a sick kid. Josiah sat on my lap from 7-10 when I put him to bed. He only puked one more time, but is now sleeping on his mattress up in our bedroom. Hopefully he just sleeps all night, but I am prepared for up on and off all night. This is definately new territory for us...hard to believe we have not had to deal with puke yet.

Hopefully they are all better by tomorrow...I don't like seeing my boys sick. And I am going to pray that I don't get it too, whatever it may be. We narrowed it down to bad sourcream or bad lettuce left behind in the ziploc baggie (we just kept using the same bag and there was probably bad lettuce in the bag). Who knows!

So in other words. Josiah went to bed at 10:00pm, Dan is on the couch not really moving and I have free rain of the laptop, so I took full advantage of the time :)

1 comment:

Grace Acres said...

I think they may have gotten a flu bug. I know about 6 different people that have been sick monday and tuesday with the runs and puking.
I would love some cherry tomatoes too, but the boys think the green ones are so cute and play with them. LOL I hope your 'boys' start feelingf better/. Do you need more strawberry plants? I have lots!