Wednesday, August 20, 2008


As I posted a while back this summer, Dan and I made the decision to find a new church back in June. The first church we attended is the church we have started to call home. Simply put, we feel at home there. We have made friends there already and we have only been there for a few months. One person that attends there I met at weight watchers quite some time ago, but neither of us attend the meetings and I kept running into her around town. So when I walked through the church doors and saw that she attended that church with her kids, it was one more reason to stay. The young girl in the baptismal pictures below is her daughter.

At the end of July, the bible studies had a get together for anyone in the church that wanted to come and the person having the party invited us, seeing that we were visitors to the church. It was a great way to meet people right from the get go. Just about everyone there had kids and they had a great time. One of the women that I met there was a fellow scrapbooker and scrapbookers instantly have stuff to talk about. Her husband is also a carpenter, so they had something to talk about. This was a party that Dan didn't want to go to because it was going to be a party where we knew noone, but I felt it was important that we go, since one of the main reasons we left our previous church was because there were very few young people and we were not involved with any of them. I am sooo glad that we did. Because in that one day, we were able to meet people that we could chat with at church. We instantly didn't feel like an outsider.

At any rate, the scrapbooker I was talking about has 2 children (Big mister and little mister). Big mister is about Josiah's age (about a year older, but they don't know that) and they hit it off and had a great time both at the party and at the baptism. Her husband is the man below getting baptized. I love my new cool that I was able to capture every moment like that.
Big Mister and Josiah
Big Mister and Josiah: Already best of friends :)
Little mister (Big Misters little brother) So sweet!Trey (a pal from daycare who also goes to our new church)
Mallory (Trey's Sister)
Showing off! I love my camera. My old camera would have never captured this moment.
A new friend from church and a cute little girl
Josiah with a mouth full of brownies A very precious moment that I was able to capture at the picnic after the baptisms.
Ella (another daycare friend who attends the church)
The group that was getting baptized in the river.
Weight watchers friends daughter right before her baptism.

Scrapbookers husband getting baptized.


Grace Acres said...

I am so glad you like our church, we also loved the people and the message the church has. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

momteacherfriend said...

The picture of the kiss is absolutely adorable. Very precious indeed.
I love baptisms.