Friday, August 22, 2008

Misc pictures from August

Just a hodge podge of pictures. I have taken so many pictures with the new camera that it will be difficult to not post a crazy amount of pictures on this blog...then again the time it takes to upload pictures, save them as a small file and create the post may minimize the amount I have time for. It just so happens that Dan has not been on the computer for several days in a row and I am taken full advantage! We do have a computer in the back room, but it is very warm and not a place I want to hang out when I get home.

The following series of pictures is of Josiah catching a little frog and proceeding to play with it for almost 20 minutes. Poor frog, but miraculously the frog did survivie its ordeal :)

Playing in a tub of water (very cold water)

Driving the jeep...still a great love of his!

Playing around the house!

Dan tried to trick Josiah with pickle juice...but it must run through Josiah's blood to love pickle juice because he did not even seem to react to the new kind of juice. Quite dissappointing from the camera angle.

Dan weeding the garden!

Playing with the garden hose...if there is water, there too shall be Josiah :)

1 comment:

Grace Acres said...

My boys are also where there is water. cute!