Friday, August 29, 2008

A Week away from Work

My lists are completely checked off; our bags are packed, the food is packed, the toys are packed, the camper is packed and we are ready for a nice long week away in the sun, on the beach, at the pool and doing whatever we want with no work or co-workers in site.

And it couldn't come at a better time. I need a break from work, from the people at work. They drive me crazy! One day they are in good moods and fun to work with, the next day they are moody and won't talk to me (apparently because they are tired and don't want to be at work today...who does). I hate having to stick around on a Friday night until 9:00pm when our work was done at 6:00pm...but at least we don't have to stay until 11:00pm. There is a new girl here who is now the only one with me on this shift. She is young and like I said moody. I tried to help her today, but got no response, so I stopped helping. I asked if she was done and her response was "yep" as she walked by and said nothing more. What the heck. That was all she talked to me for the rest of the night?? I asked her if I had done something to upset her and she said no, she just didn't want to be here and wasn't in the mood to talk. Funny, she is in the mood to talk to everyone else around here but me. Why do I have such a hard time making friends at work...I just don't understand. I hate it when people make me doubt myself and make me feel like I am doing something wrong because they are in a bad mood on a particular day. I think mostly I care to much about what people think of me and I end up doing and saying the wrong things...but it really sucks to be stuck here for 2 hours with someone with nothing to do and they won't talk to you. I understand being tired, I understand not wanting to be here, but I don't understand being rude and short and not saying thank you when someone helps you. Can I attribute it to her age, she is almost a decade younger than me. I don't know! We just must not click or something or she just needs to get past the training phase when everything sucks. I know I did and I forget that sometimes. I will do what I can to give her her space and try not to be rude in the meantime. However, I get to be gone away from here for an entire week and I won't have to deal with any of them and their mood swings for 9 days.

30 more minutes and I am free (okay, now 21 minutes)!!!

Garage saling side note: I bought a laptop at a garage sale today for $15. Can you believe it! It came with Windows 98 and had lots of errors popping up whenever you started or shutdown. But luckily we have a copy of Windows 98 at home and can erase the hard drive (which Dan is doing as I type this) and start fresh. There is only 64MB of ram and 4GB on the hard drive, but for putzing around and playing games with Josiah, it should be fun! If I get a wireless card, I could also check my email, but it will be very slow, so I don't know if I will want to deal with that or not! But $15, what a buy!

1 comment:

Grace Acres said...

what a great deal on the laptop. I wouldn't even worry about what other people think, they don't determine your value. everyone has an opinion but you can decide if it's of value or not. God's opinion of you is what we can measure ourselves by. Have a great vacation.