Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Camping Lists

I have begun preparations for our camping trip. We leave in 10 days and I feel like I have so much left to do. But I have made lists...boy have I made lists. I currently have 4 pages of lists...I love lists. I don't know what I would do without them. I know a friend recently posted how she has let go of the list thing because they just allow her to procrastinate...but I would never get anything done in my house or my life or at work without lists. Interviewers laugh at me when I talk about my lists...but I am pretty sure that is why I can function at all sometimes. After talking to my dad about my list addiction, I soon found out that lists were in my blood.

So anyway...onto my camping lists. We opened up the camper this weekend and started getting everything cleaned up. Plus I was going through all of the stuff in the camper and all of the camping stuff from the house. Currently it is all in the garage and I am washing all the sheets and dishes. It feels good to get all that stuff organized, figuring out what we had and what I need to stock.

So my lists consist of one page of the general house to do list, a page of meal ideas/grocery list/packing list out of our cupboards, a page of what I want in the kitchen area of the camper, what we have and what we need to still get, and a page of fun stuff/misc stuff to pack and bring.

I am having fun planning meals..because I love to eat our favorite foods while we are camping. So I am going to bake some cookies, but the rest will be bought on good sales and what not. I started food shopping last week and this week there were great sales at the local grocery store. So we are stocked up, only a few more things on the list and most of them I don't want to get until right before, like bread, milk and eggs.

I am soooooo looking forward to this trip. I am looking forward to not working of course, but I am looking forward to time with my family. I am looking forward to having dinner with my husband and child every day. I am looking forward to have Mike, Mindy and Luke join us in the food and fun. I am looking forward to the pool (so hopefully the weather is warm). I am looking forward to riding bikes (we got Josiah a bike at a garage sale this weekend, purple and pink. Dan said that he needs to be comfortable in his manlyhood so that he can ride on a pink bike, whatever, it was $5 and he will probably only ride it for a couple of weeks and be done). All in all I am looking forward to our first true family vacation.

1 comment:

Grace Acres said...

Hi back. I am adding you to my blog list too. I found a little tricycle last weekend too that was pink and purple for 5 bucks. I actually was reading up on your blog on sunday night and just hadn't taken the time to comment. You talked about reaching a weight loss goal, I hadn't realized you were heavier because you look great now. I am doing the whole list thing (in moderation) for our trip too. Talk to you later.