Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Weekend, Cont'd

Where was I...oh yah, the early nap that backfired. However he did wake up just in time to ride with Dawn to the pool party. So that part was good, but he didn't take a long enough nap and woke up a little cranky still. Oh well, such is life right!

The Pool Party: Ok, so this is venting...but Dad and Kathie please know I/we did have fun at the pool party and he loved being in the water, as I knew he would. With that said, I probably will not take him swimming alone again until he can go off on his own. Dan didn't go with us, so it was just me to take care of Josiah, who wanted in and out of the pool. He doesn't understand walk vs. run...so I constantly had to be right on him even when I wasn't holding him (which wasn't very often), but it was constant and even when I was on with him all the time, he still managed to fall and hit his head (lots of snuggle time...probably the best part. Is that bad to love the snuggle time a fall brings). Then the food was on the pool deck with a rope blocking people off from the pool. Does a rope prevent a 2 year old from crossing it: NO. So I had to constantly be on top of him with the food on deck and he didn't want to sit on my lap to eat snacks...so more fighting. In the pool he wouldn't go in his little boat thing that would give him and myself independence...to many kids and the boat didn't really hold him up well, so I guess I can understand that. So I held him the entire time. Then we had dinner and thank goodness they had a high chair, because that would not have been fun with him wanting to be on the go constantly. I set him up at the table where several people were sitting with him, but by the time I got back out to the table, he was all by himself, everyone had switched tables. Great! I have spent the entire time in the pool pretty much by myself with Josiah and now we get to eat by ourselves. By this time I was getting a little cranky. Thank goodness, Kathie and her sister, Stephi came and sat with us and I got to have some adult conversation :). OK, now I am making this all out to be terrible..it was NOT terrible. I had fun. Josiah had fun. I was just ready to be done with the constant carrying and watching and being by myself at a family function. So lesson learned: don't go to a pool alone with Josiah until he can take care of himself.

We really did have fun, and a good weekend overall...I was just ready to go home too :) I was ready for Dan to take care of Josiah. I was ready for Josiah to stop screaming over every little thing that didn't go his way. The tantrums continue to escalate :(

Then on Sunday we went to the kids museum where Josiah could just get down and run around. He loved the music part of the museum and sitting in the tractor. But that trip didn't last very long...no attention span. However, as we were leaving and he realized that we were leaving, yet another tantrum...not to big, but crying none-the-less. This is when we got into the car and were getting ready to head out of town when I realized that the DVD player's (yep we have two), didn't work. NOT GOOD! I think the cords are bad, but who knows....either way, neither would work and it was a long trip home. He would play, look at a book for 5 minutes and then cry out demanding the DVD player to play a movie. One of them would play the sound, so I just let the Lion King play through the movie...at least we could listen to the music and what not.

So, when I got home, I was ready to just veg...unfortunately the laundry (that my mom so kindly did and folded) doesn't get put away itself, so I put all that away and when 8:00pm roled around and my TV shows started, I handed the rains over to Dan and we were able to get Josiah into bed pretty early. Josiah didn't want me to take him to bed anyway! Stinker! But I didn't care, as long as he went to bed.

It has been so long since I have been able to blog that I have forgotten how to come to a point much quicker than I used to be able too. So bare with me for a time until I get readjusted.

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