Thursday, October 18, 2007


Mood: Still Ho hum
Weather: Crappy

I'm not sure what the deal is lately, maybe the weather, maybe the uncertainty of my future. Who knows! But another dead end with the staffing agency in MN. My resume is so all over the place that people don't know what to do with me. I have so little consistant experience that I can't seem to find a niche. Job descriptions always have qualifications that I can't, by any stretch of the imagination, fill. So discouraging to have had all the schooling, all to have it either make me overqualified, or because I am so far removed from it that the degree and experience seems to be overlooked. Half the time I have no idea what I would like to do, and then when I do, my hopes get stomped by not fully qualifying therefore they don't even consider me. I even considered going back to school for teaching, but because there are so many teachers and so few jobs here, my Master's degree makes me not marketable. They won't hire someone with a masters (even though it isn't in education) because they would have to pay me more. So to spend the time and money in college again, just to put myself back in the same boat...doesn't look very inviting.

The thoughts of going back to school pop back in once and awhile, but in what? How would we afford it? Would I go nights, the only time I have to spend with Josiah? Or full time and get it done sooner? So much uncertainty!

My dream jobs: Wedding coordinator (full time). The other thing I have thought about is a garage sale business. Let me explain: I would come into someones house, providing all the tables, signs, price stickers, etc. and they would provide the pile of stuff that they want to sell. I would simply come in and set it up for them. I could then run the sale for people who work full time and can't attend to the sale during the week. And then I could take everything that is left to Goodwill, returning to them a receipt for tax deduction purposes. Yah, I have all these pipedreams of starting businesses, but I have no idea how to start, let alone where to get the money.

Anyway, something will eventually work itself out! Today, HR recruiter came to me and said they had a full-time position for an admin asst. here, but they need someone before Jan. which is when the maternity leave is up. Bad timing again! or good timing and it isn't something I would want to do full time.

The sun is trying to peak through, so maybe the day will get better. I do have a good TV night to look forward too :)

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