Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Beauty Shop

My mom and I played beauty shop this weekend. I really hated the last hair cut that I got and I have been wanted to color my hair. So I had her cut it on Saturday morning. I will have to post pictures later, but it is shorter than I have had in a long time. It is about 2 inches up off my shoulders and about a 2 inch layer in the back and a slight layer in the front. It is so easy to do and I think the cut itself should be easier to replicate. I am so glad that I let my mom cut my hair. I have been going to the salon for several years now...ever since I started getting it cut shorter and with layers. But I am not sure why, really. I definitely like going to the salon and getting pampered a little, but I don't like the cost for a simple hair cut. $35 is a lot to spend on just getting your hair cut. So I am glad that I thought to have her fix my hair...it was awful before. Then after she cut my hair, I cut her hair. The same hair cut I have been giving her for years :) with a new twist. I gave her layers for the first time ever. I had never given anyone layers (well except Dan a couple of times, but that doesn't count). I styled it with a round brush and I think she liked it :)
I had been thinking about getting my hair colored for some time now, but again it costs so much money...money that I just don't have. My mom had mentioned just doing a box color, but I was nervous that I wouldn't like the color or whatever. But the same can be said for going to the salon. You never get quite what you are picturing, so why spend the extra money. So on Sunday, while Bob took Josiah for a walk and chased squirrels, mom and I went to Kmart and bought hair coloring stuff. I ended up getting a box that had both the coloring and the highlights and for a fraction of the cost. And guess what: I loved it and still love it. It is auburn and just the color I had imagined. Unbelievable. However, after we did the over all color and I liked it so much, I decided to hold off on the highlights. I just didn't want to ruin a good thing.
Then after my hair was all colored and cut and I felt beautiful :) My mom decided she was going to brave a new look and she wanted me to do the cut. She decided she was going to go with a face framed look, so that the hair wouldn't hang in her face when she leaned forward. Yikes (for me doing the cutting that is :) But I think it went well. She could tell me with every cut, if it was what she wanted, which you can't really do at a salon. You tell them what you want and hope they interpret your instructions correctly. In the end I think it looked even better than just layers in the back, because it blended all the way around nicely. And after two days she still likes it....so overall a great day in the Beauty Shop :)

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