Monday, October 08, 2007

Our Weekend

We had an ok and very busy weekend. Josiah and I visited all of my parents in one trip..always handy :) We went to my mom's to stay on Friday night. Great trip in the car with Josiah...the DVD player worked the whole way (it has been on the fritz and this isn't always the case). So the trip was uneventful. He didn't make it to bed until 9:30pm...not to late, but we woke him up at 7:00 and apparently that was the wrong thing to do. In my mind if he got up earlier, he would take an earlier nap and we could leave for the pool partier with my dad earlier. Boy was I wrong. He was so very crabby from the second he woke up. Mostly directed at me. I guess I should have just left him with my mom and Bob for alittle while and maybe he wouldn't have been such a crab, but we will never really know. So many tantrums this weekend and over silly stuff, but I guess that is what makes them tantrums. So my theory that he would take an early nap...not so much. We tried to put him down early, because he was yawning and rubbing his eyes, but he just wouldn't go to sleep. Bob ended up laying next to the pack and play until Josiah fell asleep.
Will continue the saga tomorrow...I ran out of time

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