Wednesday, October 10, 2007 and more pictures

These pictures date back to September, but I haven't posted pictures in so long that I thought I would go crazy and post just about every picture I took. Dan's mom came to visit around the end of Sept., so most of the pictures are from her visit. We are having trouble with our camera, so many are fuzzy and many were deleted because they were just to fuzzy. We are hoping to get a cheap digital camera after Thanksgiving. But I am worried I won't get any pictures through Halloween. I will just have to take lots and lots of pictures so that at least a few will be good :) So here are the long awaited pictures!! Enjoy!

What kid doesn't love a lawn mower and better yet...what kid doesn't know how to start a lawn mower ;) hehehe

Picking Raspberries...a favorite past time for mom and Josiah. He loves to pick them and is very careful when he goes up to the plant. Fun and too cute:)

Dan stood up from the picnic table and launched his mom onto the ground. Not really launched, so much as rolled off :) Noone was hurt and she thought it was very funny!!!
Josiah had fun walking the dog...but it was a good thing that the dog didn't take off when he let go of the leash, because you know how long the attention span of a 2 year old is ;)

Grandma got Josiah a new bike and he loves it...sometimes he will sit on it to watch TV

To make Grandma's visit more memorable and just to have some fun, we made our way over to the cider mill for Cider and Donuts. What a fun morning! But Josiah sure was tired and ready for a nap when we got home.

An addiction to DaDoo's (or Donuts), just like his mom

Go Green! Go White!

Just laying around the house!

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