Friday, December 09, 2005

Update on Mom

He's got Dad's even sticks up on one side of his head (only on the opposite side of Dan's cowlick)
I haven't been really sure when to get real on this blog yet...but I could really use some prayers. Last night I went to the ER here in Eaton Rapids because I had a really strange headache and just felt really off. I got there and they checked my blood pressure only to find that it was sky high (153/103). Not they did a work up on me and also found that I was anemic (which is probably pretty common this soon after delivery) and that I had a UTI. Not fun at all!!! So I am going back to the ER to get my blood pressure checked again this morning and we will go from there. I will keep you posted as I can...but prayers would be greatly appreciated. Also keep breastfeeding high on our prayer concern list. We are slowly getting there, but still pumping and supplimenting with formula. I know that God is taking care of us but with all these emotions that keep poring out my darn eyes, I could use some good news and a break from the tough stuff:)
On a positive note for me...I have already lost 22 pounds!! I knew there had to be an upside to delivering a big baby:)


momteacherfriend said...

It's all about being real. While being a new mom is a blessing, it is hard. So much we don't realize, that when it comes it can hit hard. Keep your head up.
Dave took the Jimmy today, he said I can come out to see you guys when he gets home tonight. Love ya.

heather j said...

I will try;)

We are heading the to dr right now. I will let you know if we are up for visitors tonight...just give a call later on or I will call when we find out what they want us to do at the dr.

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather- I know you must feel horrible with pain like that, but honestly it will get better in a few days. Being anemic is probably common after having a baby, I am on border line of anemic, they say i am it but not bad enough to have to treat yet. There are things that take care of an UTI very quickly and help right away and your blood pressure will get worked out. Your body just went through a giant change. I'm glad to hear though that your weight is coming off. Some people have a much much harder time losing it. Keep us posted when you can, it will be better before you know it.
all my love,