Sunday, December 11, 2005

Family Photo

Our First Family Photo

Every day seems to get better and better!! Josiah is nursing well and I am feeling much better. I could actually see my ankles today:) This is good news indeed!!! I think we are finally on the upswing of the first week home from the hospital.

Dan is an absolutely wonderful father. He has taken to fatherhood with a natural ease a mother could only hope for:) It brings tears to my eyes when he is holding Josiah and looking down at him with the look only a proud father has. Dan has been so wonderful to me over this past week home and over the rough parts of pregnancy. Sure there have been ups and downs just like at any other stressful times in our lives...but we always come out on top and with more of an understanding of each others needs. I don't know how women come home to a household with a newborn and no father. I give them a ton of credit and just could never imagine Dan not being there for me at my beck and call (literally). There is so much you can't do when you first get home with a newborn that I feel so blessed that Dan had that first week to spend at home with Josiah and I. It brings tears to my eyes thinking that he has to go back to work tomorrow...we will miss him dearly and I know he will miss Josiah a ton when he is gone. Thank goodness Christmas is just around the corner and he will have another week to spend with us (be it on the road, but still time together).

I am looking forward to my mom coming to visit and stay with us for the week. She is coming down tomorrow morning and she gets to take us to the doctor to get my blood pressure checked. But I have a feeling that things are finally stabalizing since I can see my feet again:) At any rate; I don't think I am ready or should I say I don't think I want to be alone yet. I know I could handle all the baby stuff, but just having someone around for the company will mean so much to me. I am looking forward to doing some shopping and napping this week too:) It should be fun!!


momteacherfriend said...

Kudos to Dan for being a great dad! Enjoy your mom.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
Heather, i'm glad that your mom can come and visit with you for some time. I know you're going to miss Dan very much but you'll do just fine. I'm glad to hear that he is such a good dad, a proud father. thats a great picture you have out. Post more when you can of course. take care and see you soon hopefully,

Kari said...

I like the family photo, it's a good one.
And thanx too for sharing your troubles along with your joys. It'll help me when my time comes in May. I didn't even think about Mark taking a week off, but that's a really good idea.
Good luck! and keep the pics and posts coming. :)