Thursday, April 20, 2006


I have been so blessed in the past few years with some wonderful girlfriends. Friends who have been there for me in the tough times and shared in the joys. I have the girls from college (the yaya's and the girls from church the Cosmo girls).

My good friend Mindy came over for a visit tonight and that meant so very much to me. She and I have talked about how much a phone call or visit truly means to me and how much I need them periodically. The calls and visits just lift my spirits so much. So thanks for taking the time and coming to visit. Josiah and I both love a visit from his Aunt Mindy any time!!

Another friend that has really been there for me is Dawn. I know I haven't thanked her enough for the visits and calls. It is so much fun when she and Cody come over for a visit. That will just get even more fun as the boys get older. But I have to tell you that when we went out shopping a couple of weeks ago and left the boys home with their dads...that was the best.

I also look sooo forward to my walks and talks with my friend Katie. We go back to our junior year in college when we lived together in a house with 6 other girls...never again would I ever want to put myself in that situation. But at the time, we had a good time!! Noah will be another little guy that Josiah will have fun growing up with...but a big bummer for us..they are moving. Right now they are only a half an hour away and they are moving an hour away. Hopefully we can still meet up and go for walks half way between, because I sure would miss the walks and talks;)

I also look so forward to "Ladies Night" which my friend Sarah has started. It is a monthly get together without the kids (for me that is). We pamper ourselves, or play games or watch chic flicks. This month is a pamper night...I can't wait:)

I know I have left out some of my other good friends...please don't take offense. This is my blog and if we get together and hang out, I will probably blog about it:)

Friends are so very important to me and I thank God for each and every one of you that has been there for me and for Dan. And for those that we could be there for...friendship is a two way street and I am happy when I can be there for you too.


Mindy Richmond said...

It was great to just relax with you and Josiah, and the fajitas were delicious! Hopefully we'll be able to do stuff like that more often now that I'm not so busy.

Thank you so much for your friendship!

momteacherfriend said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great times together you mean so much to me and Cody and Ken. We are enjoying getting to know you and Dan and Josiah! Looking forward to many more family fun times!

momteacherfriend said...

Love the new profile picture! See you tonight.