Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Josiah 1sts

1st Time in the Crib

It is so great having the crib set feels like a real nursery. Now I just need to get on the ball and put up the rest of the mickey mouse stuff I have. Right now it looks a little like McDonalds, but with the crib up and the mickey crib bumper it is started to take shape:) It only took him a day to get used to it and now he takes all of his naps in there!!

1st Time Eating Food

(Mom feeds Josiah his first real food-Carrots. He didn't seem to mind the carrots to much, but the next day he gagged and gagged on them. We finally figured out that we could only do either a fruit or a veggie, not both in one meal. Not yet anyway)

(Dad feeds Josiah his first fruit..pears. Doesn't really like them so much...but he warmed up to them within a few days:)

He has now tried carrots (1st veggie), pears (1st fruit), apples and sweet potatoes (dad says he loves the sweet potatoes...he even dives for the spoon to get more...he doesn't do this with any of the others). Although he is starting to like the apples. I think the next foods to try will be peaches and squash. We'll see how it goes:)
Other Baby Milestones
  1. He is sitting up with his hands propped on the ground
  2. Trying his darndest to roll over
  3. Arching his back to get out of his carseat (little stinker)
  4. Reaching out and grabbing anything and everything that is in front or to the side of him.
  5. Sucking and chewing on everything that he grabs onto.
  6. He has the most adorable laugh. We can get him to laugh by just saying "Pie" funniest thing in the world:)
  7. He loves being outside...and slowly but surely learning how to breath in the wind.
  8. Loves having his shoes and socks off. This is very new to him since he has been bundled up since he was born.

  1. Loves the grass...I put him on his belly the other day on the grass and he just pulled the grass out...I think he just thought it felt kind of like daddies beard and he loves to pull on that:)
  2. Just started wearing size 2 diapers this past weekend. 3 wet clothes in one day clued us in:)
  3. He went to sleep last night for the first time since he was a week old without a bath. Seemed to be ok...however his nights are not what they used to be. I think the food has given him alot of gas and he wakes up crying alot. Thank goodness all I have to do is give him his pacifier and he goes back to sleep. But that is happening about every 2hours now. I miss the nights where he slept through the night without hardly making a peep. Hopefully they will return some day soon:)
  4. Yesterday was Josiah's first trip to the zoo! We went with Katie and Noah...what a perfect day for a day at the zoo. I think the mom's had a better time than the kiddo's, but all in due time, they will love seeing the animals.

  5. This past weekend he took his first bath in the big bath tub with mom. We put swimsuits on so that he could get used to the feel of it in water. We are hoping to go in the big pool this weekend.

6. 1st time in a Polo shirt....pretty snazzy! And these two pictures turned out so nice, I just had to post them:)

1 comment:

momteacherfriend said...

Great update!
Awesome on the big move to the crib. Praise God it went so smooth!