Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Big Day!!!

1. Today is my first day back to work. So far so good. I am looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead of me:)

2. Today is Josiah's first day at Day Care. I went yesterday to drop off all of his stuff so this morning would go a little smoother. This morning was tough, I'm not going to lie. I shed a few tears..but God granted me the peace I have been praying for and I feel pretty good so far...it is only noon, but but I called a little bit ago and he was sleeping:) Good news! That is the one thing I was concerned about..naps. I know he will play and have a good time, but I wasn't sure how he would sleep in a new place and without mom:) He did pee through his clothes already though...I guess you get what you pay for with diapers. I bought the cheap ones and apparently they just didn't cut it.

3. Today is Josiah's 5 month b-day:) I will post pictures later this week!!

4. Today we have to transfer to the big boy car seat. I looked at the side of the infant carrier and the limits for height and weight were 20lbs or 26inches. Since he is 27" we have to make the transfer. This is good news for my back, but kind of a bummer, because he sleeps so well in the infant carrier. We will see how he does with the big car seat. Hopefully he makes the transition smoothly:)

1 comment:

momteacherfriend said...

Love ya girl! Praying all is well today.