Thursday, April 13, 2006

Josiah Rolls Over

(This picture was taken just seconds after he completed his roll over...I wanted to get the video camera to capture the first one on film...but I was afraid I would miss it;)

Josiah rolled over today and I didn't miss it. I was so afraid that I would miss it, but he was kind enough to wait just a few seconds so that I could see the last of the roll. I had gone to the kitchen to get something and he was on the floor playing in his room. From the time I walked to the kitchen and back he was completely on his side (which he hadn't done before). And right before my very eyes he completes the roll over from back to tummy:) I felt so proud of him!!!! He wasn't even frustrated when he got there...he just started to reach out for the frog sitting in front of him!!


Anonymous said...

I see you added a bit. I can't believe he is getting so big. He's going to be crawling before you know it! baby faces are so cute when trying out new foods. i certainly do like the little man in a big chair pics. They sure show how he grows!
well take care and talk again soon. This friday, the 21st i'll finally be 21

heather j said...

I can't believe you are going to be 21 already and then again it seems like you turned 21 a long time ago, because I can remember giving a certain someone some alcohol a while back;) hehehe You have a great 21st B-day, hopefully you are able to go and celebrate!! I will be 30 on the 30th this year:) To funny!!