Friday, September 01, 2006

Pictures to go with the last post!

Using Sippy Cup for 1st time...this sippy cup was actually my brother's and mine from when we were little. Kind of funny that this is the first sippy cup that he figured out how to use. The only catch is that there isn't a stopper so when he flings the cup around, water goes spraying everywhere..on the up side, he does love to play in water:)

Just relaxing at Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Bob's

I love these close up pictures.

Josiah and Grandpa Doug

Josiah, Grandpa Doug and Grandma Kathie
Dan really loved this picture, because you have to wonder exactly what this little guys is thinking!!
I took this picture because there is a similar picture of Dan at this age and they look like they could have been identical twins:) Once I get my scanner working I will post the pictures side by side. This was the great garage sale find...a Leap Frog play station for only $15...almost brand new! He loves to play with it!! And the cats love it too because they can walk under it and get the music to play:)

I am sooo glad that I finally got to post pictures!! I hate it when the picture blogger is not working, but so satisfying when it actually does! Hope you enjoyed! I can't believe that Josiah will be 9 months old tomorrow! Stay tuned for more pictures and an update on what he has been up to.


Kari said...

He's getting so big! I can't believe he's 9 months already. Sometimes with the pictures, I'll just keep trying and they will eventually go, but not always. It does make things difficult. :)

heather j said...

I took your advice today and kept trying. I did end up getting quite a few to post, but not without a little frustration.

I can't believe he is 9 months already either. The time has gone so fast.