Thursday, September 14, 2006

West Virginia Here I Come!

I am venturing out of state this weekend, with no Josiah in tow! I am on my own for a girls weekend. The boys have to stay home, but I am sure they will have lots o fun! The Yaya's had been planning on going white water rafting and at the time they were planning it, I didn't think I could swing the money, so I decided not to go. But then after some thinking and Dan planning 2 hunting trips for this fall, I decided I would find the money if there was still a spot for me. Unfortunately, 2 days before I decided I kind of wanted to go, Beth filled the final spot. But I decided that I still wanted to get away and if I went, all 5 of us would be together for the weekend. After I thought about it more I realized that it would be a really nice opportunity to have some alone time...some time with no responsibilities...some time to nap as desired:) It has definitely been difficult to pack for this trip though, because everyone else's food is included in the rafting package. So I have to bring enough food for just me, plus snacky stuff for the group. I think I have done a good job planning, but alas I still will end up bringing to much stuff!! Thank goodness I got out of work a little early today, so I could go grocery shopping and clean out my car. Dan picked up Josiah from day care so that gave me just enough time to get most of the stuff done. I should be able to finish up tomorrow morning. I am dropping Josiah off at day care at 1:00pm and heading to Detroit where we are all meeting up to head out.
It should be a fun trip...a quick one, but it should be fun! I am looking forward to having some girlfriend time around a camp fire! Always a good time!

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