Tuesday, September 05, 2006

3rd Annual Labor Day Camping Trip

The Campsite

This year was different than years past. The dynamic had changed and I don't think any of us had anticipated how much it had changed. Having a baby changes everything. When Dan and I went camping, it wasn't much different than the lives we live at home, we were just eating and sleeping in a different place. But when more people were brought into the mix, it was difficult to find the balance. I think the hardest part was how nap time = quiet time and when we put Josiah to bed at night that we were also very quiet. We had just grown accustomed to this way of life, but I hated having to remind them to be quiet...not because they weren't being quiet, but because I was paranoid that they might forget and Josiah would wake up. I was on pins and needles a good majority of the camping trip...worrying that any noise we make would wake him up. Naptimes were fine, but at night every little movement of the camper woke him up, every cough, every snore, every toss and turn. I think my blood pressure was at the hypertensive stage, because my heart was racing all night, and I could barely sleep I was so on edge. The main cause of all this was the fact that Josiah was teething. And not just cutting one or two teeth. He had 5 teeth coming in, 3 of which he cut while we were camping. As a result he ended up sleeping with us quite a bit and nursed several times a night, but we got through it. By the third night, I was so tired I hardly heard him until he really cried out.

So for the first day and a half it was tough to relax. I felt as if it was just Josiah and I camping since I was having to tend to him while the others were doing their own thing, not always, but enought that I felt left out alot. Josiah was also very clingy and whiny. I fed him most of his meals and then when it came time for us to eat, Josiah decided it was time that he needed me and I didn't get to eat with everyone else. When I did ask for help, like having Dan change a diaper, it became an ordeal, so I stopped asking. Beyond that I just stopped asking because I didn't want to deal with confrontation on top of taking care of Josiah. Dan new something was wrong but had no idea what it was or what to do.

On Sunday I finally told him that I needed some time to myself. And I got just that. Mike and Dan went off to get wood to burn and Mindy and Josiah were taking a nap. I got out my scrapbooking stuff and emersed myself. It was so wonderful to be doing something other than caring for Josiah. I was taking time for myself.

The next step was to talk to Dan. Finally on Sunday, Dan and I went for a walk with Josiah and Buster and Mike and Mindy played cards. I finally told Dan how and why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Mike and Mindy finally had some time to themselves and when we got back from our long walk, I felt rejuvinated and ready to start our camping trip. I think that was what we all needed.

When we got back we decided to play cards, the four of us and I think it was at that point that we all started having fun together. Better late than never. Josiah even went down for a really long evening nap, which gave us some adult time which we all needed. Even when Josiah did wake up, he cooperated and sat on one of our laps while we continued to play cards!

I know I did alot of complaining and made it sound like Josiah was a nightmare on this trip...but he really was good most of the time. He just wanted someone close by all the time and he didn't play as well by himself as he normally does...but he still played by himself and had down time where we could get things done. I think it was just the fact that I was feeling so anxious that made things worse than they really were. It was so cute watching him walk around with his little push walker. On the first night I had him in a little camo outfit and he was crawling all around the campsite. You could hardly see him when he went underneath the picnic table. I wish I had gotten a picture, but we were to busy setting up;)

The food was great as well! We pretty much stuck to our menu and we had very little food left to bring home. Well we had alot left overs from one of our meals, but we were able to bring them home, and we are big fans of leftovers at our house:)

I am just so glad that we were all able to unwind and relax even if it wasn't until Sunday. It was enough time to enjoy what was left of the camping trip. We all slept in on Monday until 9:00am. I could hardly believe it when I looked at my watch. Josiah was definately feeling a bit better. We got up and around and had yet another great breakfast. By the time we were done with breakfast, Josiah was ready for a nap and that meant that we couldn't really start packing up. So we decided to play cards again. We were playing a game called "Spite and Mallous" Great Fun! We always love learning new card games. By the time Josiah woke up from his killer long nap (2 hours) we were done with lunch and ready to start packing up. We worked really well as a team to get packed up quickly. And were on our way home by 2:00pm. Who knows what next year will bring. But I have enjoyed our camping trips and hope we can continue to do them in the future.

1 comment:

momteacherfriend said...

I love camping with the kids. Dynamics do change but it is still oh so much fun. Keep it up!