Thursday, September 07, 2006

Favorite Pic's from August (cont.)

This was probably my favorite picture in August, taken in the morning right before we had to leave for work.
My big boy is standing!
Mom and Josiah having fun!
Right after a bath...those big eyes just melt my heart.
Josiah can be entertained for hours by, trucks, dump trucks, he's not partial!
Mom and Josiah laughing at something silly.
Josiah being sad and mom playing along.
All smiles!


Anonymous said...

HI Heather!
I just can't believe how sweet that little man is!. Steve tells everyone about how Josiah is just the cutiest kid ever! I hope all is still going well. take care,

heather j said...

All is going very well! Thanks for the comments though, we think he is the cutest too:)

Hope all is going well with you! I hear you are starting taking some classes. Hope they are going well!!