Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Struggling: We have decided that Josiah needs to start trying to go to sleep more on his own. When he got sick a couple of weeks ago we started to rock him to sleep and he got used to it and now won't go to sleep without rocking him. He has also started to wake up half way into his nap and wanting to eat...mostly because that is his routine to So when he wakes up early he wants to eat. I also think that he wasn't getting enough to eat, so I have started to give him some supplemental formula. Dan also reminded me that I need to be drinking lots of water, which I had slacked on lately. So maybe that will be what I need to build up my milk supply. The doctor also suggested to start him on some cereal. He is a big boy and just may need to start eating foods now. So we are going to try some tomorrow night!!! I will let you know how it goes:)

So the crying jags are almost unbearable...but I know it will get better. Sometimes he does a good job putting himself to sleep and other times like now...he does not. So the big question is, how long to let him cry...huge dilema for us right now. Right now I am letting him cry for no longer than 10 minutes and going in to put his pacifier in. We will see how that goes. If he is histerical...then I will do what I have to. But I would really like him to have the ability to go to sleep on his own. It is an important skill to have.

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