Monday, March 10, 2008

Once again...a long over due post!

I have probably lost any and all the people that used to read my blog and look forward to the pictures and fun little anicdotes about Josiah. Back in the day when my life seemed somewhat normal and not so out of control. Shoot...I just looked at the number of pictures I have taken in the past month and if you know me, you will know that this is unbelievable. A total of 15 pictures...yep 15. I can hardly believe it myself. I am ready for things to slow down and for all of us to get into some sort of routine. And slowly but surely I am doing that.

I officially started my new full-time job at Orchid Cellmark, a DNA paternity testing laboratory. I am a lab technician working 2nd shift. Right now I am working 12:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Starting next monday however I will switch to my permanent schedule of 2:30 PM to 11:00 PM. This might change in the summer, but will be that way for a time. I like the schedule I am working now, but am not looking forward to the change. Not really sure if I can stay awake that late working and still having to get up every morning with Josiah. I am sure I will take many a nap once that schedule starts, but we'll see. Who knows, I might like being able to take naps...I do love a good nap :)

So far the job has its ups and downs. The part where I get to be efficient, I am good at and I like. The part where I have to careful of a 7 digit number in a filing system...I am still trying to get a grasp on. The bummer is that the person training me becomes extremely dissappointed in me and frustrated every time I make a mistake, making the work environment tense. It is as though she has never made a mistake (which I know is not true, because I have witnessed these mistakes myself). Everyone makes mistakes and I am learning from them. For some reason I am having a pretty tough time learning this job...not sure if it is my age, or that for the first time I am actually being challenged. A little of both I suppose. But on days like today where I made a mistake late in the day that caused this frustration, I leave the lab feeling defeated and lacking self confidence. But tomorrow I will come in again and try to put on a smile and not confront this person, so that I can simply keep on going, learning from my mistakes...doing my best not to make more...knowing that I will continue to make more mistakes and the cycle continues. A comfort for me, is that I am not the only one that gets treated like this...crappy that others feel this way too, but comforting to know I am not alone in these feelings.

I am doing my best to stay out of company gossip. It has burned me in the past and I am trying to learn from my past. I will do what I can and keep reminding myself to keep my mouth shut...a great policy for me in general. And so far it has done me well!

Overall, I am enjoying myself here at the lab. I like the people and they love Taco Bell. I like sleeping in until 8:30 AM and am very grateful that Josiah is a sleeper like his Mama.

Well it is almost time to go home...I will continue the next time I get a break!!


Anonymous said...

I have been checking for new blogs and was happy to see one this AM! It's great to get the update. Keep up the good work and we pray that all will continue to improve for you!
Love to all,

Dawn said...

I know you can do it! It is good to see you making progress on the things that bother you. Realizing that we all make mistakes is one important thing and therefore learning from them too, is just as important! I will continue to pray for you in this area!