Sunday, May 27, 2007

Things are Better :)

I have now had time to process getting turned down for the job on Friday and to realize that God does have a plan, I just don't know what it is yet. I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to this weekend that is coming up. We are heading to the UP for a wedding. Dan and his best bud, Jeremiah are in a wedding. So we all decided to go camping for the weekend. We each have our own camper, so that will be nice. But it will be so great to just get away and have some much needed relaxation away from everything. We are heading up on Thursday night and you know me I have started my lists :) I think there are 6 of them right now: stuff from our camper, food stuff, Josiah's stuff, extra stuff, food menu ideas and shopping list. Still have to get with Jeremiah and Kelly to get the shopping list more put together, but still having fun with the lists :) I am very concerned about our money situation right now as many of you know. So taking this trip is going to cost a big chunk of money between gas, food and camping. However, God is truly good. Yesterday I got my credit card rewards statement saying that I have enough points for $100. So our camping is going to be paid for. So cool!!

Another God/$ moment happened yesterday. We are planting a garden this year, both to save money and just to have a garden again. But the plants for planting a garden cost money. So I was cleaning out my purse and wallet yesterday and I found a $25 gift card from Menards that I had completely forgotten about. Yah!!!!!!! We only had to pitch in $10, and that was only because we needed to buy a new sprinkler, both for the garden and for JOsiah to play in this summer.

I have also been scrapbooking a ton. I figured out how to get paid to scrapbook :) When I substitute teach, I take all the stuff I need in a plastic carry along thing that is 12x12. Big enough to hold all my paper, pictures, tools, etc. So over the past month I have completed 32 pages. I am so proud of myself. Plus it has made subbing bearable!!!

I have been cleaning like crazy...a sure sign that I am feeling better. When I am depressed, I simply do not clean anything. The house gets completely let go. But both Dan and I used the rain day yesterday to sort through stuff for our garage sale that we are having later this summer. I have gone through about half of our attic. A big chunk still to go, but huge progress has been made already. I also started going through all of my clothes, getting winter clothes put away, summer out and stuff sorted out for the garage sale. So far I have 3 big bags of clothes. and tons of other stuff. It's going to be a big sale!!!

So once again thank you for the prayers. I have felt them a ton lately!!

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