Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Fun and Productive Weekend

We got so much done this weekend, I can hardly believe it. It all start on Friday when mom and Bob came down to help with Josiah and aroudn the house. Then on Saturday it was really crappy outside so we got going on garage sale sorting. Dan had a few boxes from the attic that needed to be sorted through. He got those mostly sorted and a few more boxes for the garage sale. I was able to go through all the clothes in my bedroom that hadn't been put away and through all the winter clothes for garage sale potential. Two more bags for the garages sale.
We went and bought our plants with our Menards gift card and by Monday afternoon our Garden was completely put in. I can't wait for the fresh salsa!!! If only the woodchucks don't get to the plants first :(
I was also able to get all the stuff for our camping trip out of the camper and then I started cleaning out my car. I did a once over vacuum of both my Aztek and Prism. Today I am going to go through with a fine tooth comb and try to get them spotless...or mostly so and ready for our trip this weekend as well as ready to sell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Heather, I'm so happy to hear that his little hand is better. What a frightening thing to have to deal with. We all go through our scares. I love the picture updates as well. I enjoy being able to watch him grow even though i can't see him in person. talk to you soon