Friday, June 30, 2006

My Golden Birthday

Today I turn 30. I still am not sure exactly how I feel about that. I feel sad at times and then I don't feel any different at times ( like most birthdays). I think the sad part is because I love big parties and I plan alot of parties and I didn't get anything together this year. I guess I am most bummed because we could have gone up north to the lake for a nice long relaxing weekend, but Dan is on call and can't go more than 30 miles from home. And I couldn't just pick up and leave for the entire weekend.

However my great pal Mindy rescued me. Mindy and Mike are going to join Dan and I for dinner and a movie. So at least I feel like I am going to have a little party if you will. Plus Mindy made a birthday pie. Made from the rhubarb in our yard:) I can't wait to try it...she said she would bring forks and plates in case we just can't wait until we get home to sample the Rhubarb cheese cake.

We have a babysitter all lined up for tonight, so it should be a good time! I am really looking forward to getting out for a night on the town:) Plus Dan and I are going golfing tomorrow and already have a babysitter lined up for that as well. SoI need to turn my frown upside down and have a great day and weekend. I think we are going to go to the fireworks here in town and the parade, so that should be fun!!! It will be a nice relaxing weekend at home!

Turning 30
Today I Remember my childhood:)
  1. My Holly Hobbie birthday cake and my pink big wheel for my birthday present.
  2. My surprise birthday at McDonalds. I remember seeing my cousin Ashley there and thinking that it was cool that we ran in to her on my birthday. I was totally surprised that the rest of my cousins and friends and family were there too.
  3. Camping every summer with my mom, dad and 2 brothers
  4. The tire swing and the Lilac bushes in our yard
  5. Playing with my cousins in our pool and playing at my cousins in their pool.
  6. Snowmobile rides with my brothers
  7. Learning to ride my bike at my Grandma and Grandpa D.'s house
  8. Family Reunions (they were always so much fun).
  9. Fishing at my Grandma L.'s with my cousins
  10. Swimming and tubing at my Grandma and Grandpa D.'s
  11. The awsome rec room we had at our old house. It was huge. the only bummer about having a really big rec room is that you have to clean it every once in a while.
  12. Learning to golf with Grandma and Grandpa D. (They actually built a Par 3 in their front yard, Grandpa sawed off a few golf clubs to teach me how to golf when I was about 6. I will remember him when I go golfing for my birthday tomorrow. What a great gift he gave me...the love of golf)
  13. Going golfing with my mom over the years
  14. T-ball (I got the first home run one year. I played for a team called Ace Hardware. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I ran to first base, then I started for 2nd base and they threw it to 1st base, etc. until I arrived home for a home run.
  15. Playing on the back porch with my cats.
  16. Playing on the back porch with my tape recorder. I loved singing songs and telling stories into that tape recorder.
  17. My puppy "Angel" I remember playing with her in the farmers field next door. I built a little hideaway for us to hang out in.
  18. My cat Pumpkin...she's the one I remember the most.
  19. Getting my mouth washed out with soap:( It had to be done. Then again, maybe it was only threatened. The threat must have worked because I still remember it;)
  20. Always having remodeling projects going in our house.
  21. Riding back and forth to my brothers basketball games with my mom.
  22. My brothers track meets, football games, basketball games, baseball games...
  23. Going fishing and hunting with my dad.
  24. Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa D.'s house...the thousands (literally) of presents
  25. Christmas at Grandma L.'s house...the awsome food
  26. Grandma L.'s Rhubarb Crisp (then discovering how to make it many years later, realizing that it was so easy to make...yet soooooooo good:)
  27. Aunt Chris's Scotcharoos's (Rice Krispie treat with a layer of chocolate on the favorite).
  28. Learning how to make Grandma L.'s crab dip
  29. My two cousins and I getting our ears pierced by my mom using an ice cube and a potato.
  30. Going garage saling with my mom and Grandma D.


momteacherfriend said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Heather
Happy birthday to you

Many blessings!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Heather!! my golden birthday was my 21st! I wish I could have spent it at home but we had fun here. Now Steve is 21 and if we want to we can both go out. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and have fun with the fireworks. We are just hoping that it doesn't get rained out here! take care and have a nice time,

owlhaven said...

Fun list of memories! Happy birthday! I'm a June birthday too!

Mary, mom to many

Kari said...

The t-ball memory sounds hilarious. I can just picture you running aroung the bases, while they scrounge for the ball.
I have a similar memory with the rhubarb crisp. My grandma always made the green bean casserole, and for years i waited until Thanksgiving and ate a bunch of it. I felt a little silly years later when i found out how easy it is to make. :)
I love big families, the more the merrier. I'm glad I was able to have a lot of memories of my cousins over the years too.

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » » »