Tuesday, June 13, 2006

6 Month Pictures

I just can't believe that my boy is 6 months old already! The time just goes so fast. Everyone tells you that it does, but until it happens to you, it is hard to believe. His 6 month check up went very well!! Everything checked out and he did very well for the shots!!

Weight: 18lbs12oz (Right around 50% in weight)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (Around 75% in height)

There have been so many 1st's in the last few weeks it is hard to remember off the top of my head what they have been...but I will try and fill you in.

He started getting up on all fours over Memorial Day weekend and as of last night, he is starting to army crawl. It is so crazy to see him getting to where he wants to go. A little bit scary and not really sure we are ready for this phase yet. This little guy is going to be in to everything. We bought him a walker and put it in the kitchen since there are no stairs leading off of the kitchen. Within no time at all he has figured out how to open cupboard doors and pull drawers open. How he knows to grab for the door knobs or drawer pulls, I have no idea, but thank goodnesst he walked prevents him from actually opening anything because we don't have all the baby proofing stuff done yet. If there is something he can get ahold of he will try and get it. And he doesn't want the toy that you put in front of him , he wants the bottle of shampoo that is just out of his reach. He is really developing a little personality and it is a very curious, very jumpy one:) He loves to jump...which makes it very difficult to hold him, as many of you know.

He is eating lots of foods now. He loves chicken and rice dinners...but the weird thing is that his poop smells like the dinners the next day. Very strange indeed:) He loves sweet potatoes, prunes (which seems strange, but he loves them), carrots, squash, almost all fruit....well actually he has pretty much liked everything we have given him except peas...but we are working on them!

I would love to post the pictures that my friend Christy did, but they are too large of files, so I am posting a picture that I took...still cute, but not nearly as good:)


Anonymous said...

he is most certainly getting older! I think its funny that he wants to get into everything that you don't want him to get., but thats a baby. I can't wait to see some more photo's of him. Being so far away this is my way to watch the little man grow...and growing he is! take care- all my love,

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.