Thursday, May 04, 2006

Big Day Cont.

May 2nd, 2006

5 Months Old
(Can you believe it?)
(See the next post for the continuation of "Little Man in a Big Chair")

Before we had to leave for the day. I had everything planned and it all went according to plan. I was able to get up and get showered before Josiah was ready to eat. So that worked out well. Then I got ready and brought him down to play while I got all the bottles in the diaper bag and my lunch packed. I do so much better when I have everything planned out!!!

Singing a song with mom as she gets everything around to leave for their first day apart from each other:( Plus I wanted to get a picture of him one of the last times he would be in the infant car seat.

Josiah is tooo big for the infant carrier. We weighed and measured him at the doctors office last week and he weighed 17lbs1oz and was 27inches long. The limits on the carrier are 20lbs and 26 inches. Plus it is just sooo heavy to carry. I know we will miss the luxury of being able to carry him in while he's asleep, but such is life.

I think he had a good time at Day Care...he sure was exhausted in the evening and wanted to go to bed early. Which was ok, but it didn't give us much time to play. I am sure he will adjust to the busy days over time! Work went well and it was really nice to have some adult interaction that involved conversation other than baby talk:) Although we did talk babies once in a while:) Thank you to those of you who prayed for us and continued prayers would be appreciated over the next month as I have to work full time for a short while. We will be busy and I am sure I will look forward to relaxing with Josiah and Dan in the evenings:)


Anonymous said...

HI heather,
I wanted to thank you , Dan and Young Josiah for the pictures and card. He is just way tooo cute!! Steve likes looking at his pictures and just like me loves that boys smile! hope all is well and we are wishing you luck still with your job. I'm sure things are going to work out just fine. take care

heather j said...

Sorry it took sooo long to get you the pictures. But I am just glad that I finally got around to it and plus it was good timing...just in time for your b-day!!