Friday, November 18, 2005

Dr. Visit

I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me that things were progressing nicely. I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was sooo worried that I would go to the dr. apt and he would tell me that nothing is going on and it might be another 2 weeks:P Still don't know how long it will take but he stripped my membrane in hopes that it would speed things along. So now, just like for the past 2 weeks, I sit and wait for the contractions that they tell me I will undoubtedly feel and know for certain that I am in active labor. I woke this morning and the back pain that has plagued me for the past 2-3 weeks was lessened only to be replaced by pressure in the groin (which has been there for quite some time, it just intensified over night). So we are all hoping that this little guy decides to make his appearance soon. My house is clean, my bags are packed and we are just "patiently" awaiting this new and exciting adventure that Dan and I are about to embark upon. Just writing that makes me excited:) I can't wait!!!!

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