Saturday, January 05, 2008

Update on Josiah

Update on Potty Training: He continues to pee on the potty :) So cute, because he strains so hard and tries so hard to "go pee" but usually only a little trickle comes out. Better than nothing and we always clap and he always gets to flush. Last night however, I had him keep trying over and over to push and he finally peed enough to turn the water slightly yellow :) So proud! And so far our day care is on board. Hopefully that continues, since I know that things get chaotic around the day care. But Monday all the kids go back to school and it will be back to just he few during the day. Speaking of day care...they were so very excited to see him on Wednesday! Kim actually called me that morning and asked if we were coming or not. She hadn't remembered that I was without a job and we were sleeping in ;) Yes, I take every opportunity to sleep in that I get, because I know that the days are numbered.

Update on talking: It is so much fun hearing him learn to talk. He is so proud of himself when he can put two words together. We hear "buh-bye daddy and buh-bye mama" a whole lot. Even when we leave the room or he is leaving..buh-bye daddy trails behind him. So cute! He has named his pacifiers "dappas." So now we have deet-deets (blankets) and dappas. I think it is fun to have nick names for things, so I have not discouraged this. When we were up north in the hotel, his favorite word was "simming" better known as swimming. Every time we walked by the pool..."simming." He could also say "hot-tub" clear as day. Some other words added to his vocabulary lately are; hot, cold, bubble-bath, more drink, juice, understanding up vs. down, buh-bye poopy (when we flush his poop from his diaper), wedgie (taught to him by day care kids ;), dahpo (playdoh), mocycle (motorcycle), truck, singing (do-rey-mi-fah-so-lah-ti-do...this is very cute! He got a toy for Christmas that sings this and he is working really hard at learning the sounds and words. Every time he finishes he claps and says yah! And he expects those of you sitting around him to participate in this clapping. So Papa, be sure to pay attention. Papa didn't one time and Josiah looked at him and said "PAPA" until he clapped. Very cute!).

He has just been so much fun lately. And thank goodness a little less screaming, because that just wears on your nerves. He has been a bit clingy lately, but that is to be expected after 2 solid weeks spent with just Dan and I.

One of these days I will post some pictures...there have been so many cute ones lately...I just need to take the time to do it. Soon, I promise!!

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