Saturday, January 05, 2008


Tonight I cannot sleep. It is 7:00am now and I have been awake since 4:00am. Josiah woke up cold and even though Dan went to get him, I couldn't get back to sleep. I finally just turned my light on and started reading, hoping that would make me tired enough to go back to sleep. Nope! Then at 5:00am, Dan got a phone call for a board up. Good thing I hadn't fallen back asleep. I had to get up and find him his long underwear that he had piled up in the corner of the room and couldn't find (men ;). At 5:26am, he came back upstairs and said they had canceled the board up...apparently they weren't going to be able to make it to the board up in time and the fire department canceled it. What jerks! Wake these guys and their families up in the middle of the night. They get out on the road and they call back a half an hour later and say that they aren't fast enough, even though they are allowed 1 hour to respond. Whatever! But again, luckily I hadn't fallen back asleep. Then Josiah's humidifier ran out of water, which stopped the fan and woke him up again. He went back to sleep on his own, but I didn't want to him to get woken up again and not be able to go back to sleep, so I came down and filled the humidifier without waking him up. It was then 6:00am. I decided I would just try to go to sleep...tossed and turned and once again the humidifier stopped. I think it disturbs my sleep more than Josiah's because we can hear it through the monitor and when that sounds stops, it changes the sounds in our room. So at 6:30am I came down once again to adjust the humidifier and gave up on sleep...bringing me to this point right now...3 hours later, still awake!!

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