Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New job

Last week I interviewed for a temp job in the morning and the lab job in the afternoon. Within a couple of hours they called and offered me the temp position. I felt pretty honored that they didn't even need to interview very many more people. So on Monday I started at a law school in the admissions office downtown. Actually it is right across the street from my old job at AF, plus I will be able to have lunch with Mindy again :) Yah!! Plus the hours are 9:00-5:00...hours that I could get used to. I don't feel so tired in the morning :) And thank goodness Josiah sleeps until 8 or 8:30, so that works out well.
At any rate, the position is mostly doing busy work...but I am definitely good at busy work, so I have felt very productive and helpful all week. The people are all really great and easy to work with and for. There is a person leaving on Friday and they just recently posted her job. So I applied for it on Monday night. I asked my boss if it was ok if I applied, which turned out was good because they didn't want the person that took the temp job to assume that they would move right into that position. I do have an upper hand because I am there and doing what I can to prove myself. Now I just have to prove myself. So I am working hard. I am also having to dress in business professional which is a big change. I went from working in the woods to business casual and now I have to wear business suits. So last weekend I went to goodwill and bought 2 suits, 3 dress shirts and a blazer for $40. I think I am going to have to make one more trip to a different goodwill and I should be all set.
No word from the lab job, but it is for 2nd shift and I am not sure that I even want to be offered the job. At this point I would feel like I have to take the job, but 2:30 to 11:00pm would be hard for so many reasons. But then again, God said we need to take the road less traveled. So I am just going to sit tight, hope I get an interview at the Law School and wait to hear about the lab job!!
Thanks for all the prayers!!
Oh yah, as always God is good. Our rebate money from our Credit Union came through and it couldn't have come at a better time :)

1 comment:

momteacherfriend said...

Carhart to blazers! That is a big change. Congrats on the job. Glad to hear things are coming together.