Tuesday, November 06, 2007


The life of a 23 month who is teething must be tough. He knows what he wants, but can't tell us and therefore can't get what he wants which leads to the inevitable tantrums. His mouth is sore and can't tell us about that either, so he is crabby and can't tell us what's wrong which leads to the inevitable tantrums.

Bedtime is getting harder for some reason. He used to go down very easy. We would take him into his room, turn his night light on, turn his music on, lay him down, hand him a pacifier or 3, cover him up with his "deet-deet" also known as a blanket, walk out and presto, instant sleep.

Bedtime today: It's time to go night-night...response: ungh (not sure how to type out a grunt) which means no. Are you ready to go night-night....response: night-night (we take this is a cue to put him to bed, but we are very wrong). Dan picks him up (because he will no longer let me put him to bed), and instantly he objects which leads to the inevitable tantrum. Dan usually wins these, well if you can call "taking Josiah into his bed kicking and screaming, turning off the light and saying good night" winning. He does go to sleep on his own though, which is pretty amazing to me. He only cries for a few minutes and he must realize that he is very tired and off to sleep he goes. Now, I am not naive enough to think that this won't change, oh no. I know the pattern of a toddler is that there is no pattern. So we will just have to wait and see until tonight to find out what he decides to do.

Even mornings are becoming an issue. Dan got up with him this morning and all I could hear was Josiah fighting whatever Dan was doing. He is not wanting his diaper changed...but refuses the potty. What to do? This little man just can't make up his mind. I think that mornings are a bit confusing to him. Children love routine and we keep changing his morning routine. Some mornings I take him to day care and some mornings I get to sleep in, while Dan takes him. So the mornings when Dan takes him, I think Josiah gets confused and wants his mommy. Not that he totally cooperates with me in the morning either. Cooperate really isn't in his demeanor right now.

Oh yah, the dinner table tantrum. First of all, I think his staple dinner right now is cottage cheese and apple sauce. I'm not sure if that's ok or not, but I am having great difficulty getting him to even try anything else.

Well I will have to continue tomorrow. I ran out of time today!

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