Monday, November 19, 2007

Needing Prayers

Without going into much detail, I would like to ask for prayers for Dan at his job. The company has been doing some pretty nasty things lately and he/we need guidance as to what to do. They have been anything but loyal (which they claim at every company meeting or any time you talk to them) to him as an employee who has been there for 10 years. No recognition (I think I've talked about this). But lately the things have gotten worse, if that were possible. So I ask not only for guidance, but for patience or whatever it is Dan needs right now. I'm not sure patience is the thing to ask for at this point since patience has gotten him nowhere at that company. After a slap on the wrist this morning, they told him they would do his review on Wed. morning and that they weren't sure they would be able to allow him to leave early on Wed. to head out of town for the holiday weekend. So now I have the time off, ready to leave at noon, and they have said they aren't sure. So if I get out at noon, with the hopes that Dan will get out too, I will lose the pay for the rest of the day because they aren't "sure". NO RESPECT for their lives at all. Ya know, not many people have the loyalty to a company that Dan has, I mean the crap that he has put up over the years, not to mention the fact that they fired me over BobEvan's sausage. I am sooooo angry right now! I can't even imagine how Dan must feel and to have to go into a review with all that anger. So now you can see why he/we need prayers!

The company I am working for right now is soooooo very different. They truly appreciate their employees. They do all kinds of fun things for us; tailgate parties, halloween party, they celebrate each persons birthday individually, they respect us...and the real kicker is that I am a temp employee and they don't treat me any different. I have been here a total of about 2 months and I feel more respected and wanted around here than Dan has felt in years.

So as we know our paths are about to change, or at least we feel they are going to, please continue to pray for us to follow the path God has chosen for us.


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