Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hair Makeover!!!

I decided it was time for a new look. I am 30 now and I have been feeling very frumpy. Most likely due to the baby weight..which just seems to hang around. However, getting your hair cut and colored does wonders for changing how you view yourself. I needed an image boost and this was just the thing to do it. I had been thinking about what I wanted to do for along time now...but it wasn't until the morning of the appointed that I finally decided and even then, I let the stylist use her own judgment. As for the highlighting, I never really decided...I had help from the stylist when it came to making the final decision. And I love it!!! I have received many compliments (even from my boss, a male;) and most of them saying that it's a very fun and summery hair cut. Several people have made the comment that now that it is the style it is old hair style didn't really do much for me. So all the more reason for me to be excited about the new do. Unfortunately it was very difficult to capture on film the hair that I see when I look in the mirror. So if you want to see how great it really looks you will just wait until I see you next;) hehehe

And just to build anticipation for the next post (when I have some spare time): Josiah's 1st Camping is a picture of my hair when I just wash it and let it air dry...very fun and flippy:) Gotta love a hair style that you can just wash and go:)

Isn't he just the most adorable thing ever?