Tuesday, July 11, 2006

7 Months Old


Weight: 20lbs (weighed him on our scale at home)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (measured him by standing him against the wall and marking it)
Head size: My favorite white hat no longer fits him:(

1. Says dada or more often he says dla dla
2. Started to say mum, but hasn't said it in a long time. I know that the time will come when I will wish he couldn't call me and demand that I come to his beckaning:)
3. Has favorite toys: mostly big boy trucks and cars. He will sit for a long time just rolling the wheels with his pointer finger and studying it. He seems very serious about his cars!!
4. Loves the Jumparoo or just plain jumping everywhere he can convince someone to let him work their arms out.
5. By 6 1/4 months he was on the move. He learned how to army crawl, using his right big toe and left forearm to push and pull him everywhere he needs to go.
6. Went from pooping maybe once a day to pooping 3-5 times a day. We have officially introduced most foods. I started making my own baby food. Way to easy to be paying so much money for a jar. I hope I can keep it up.
7. By the end of the 6th month he had learned to put cheerios into his mouth. He chews really well and they are a great distraction:)
8. He got his first bloody lip half way through the month...bumped his lip on a pop bottle and his little sharp teeth cut his bottom lip:(
9. He spent the entire weekend with Grandma and Grandpa.
10. When I arrived to pick him up, he reached out for me for the first time:) Big moment!!
11. By the end of the month he is sitting up extremely well on his own. He can even look up and not fall backwards:)


Anonymous said...

he's growing so fast. I wish i could personally see him more often...yeah more then once a year
I'm glad that you did have fun on your birthday. take care!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah! Heather you never mentioned the fourth of July and how that went with young Josiah - is there going to be updates on that? =)

heather j said...

He would love to see you too:)

When I get a chance, I plan on updating about the 4th, but I just haven't had much time lately.