Tuesday, June 03, 2008

News with Josiah

POTTY TRAINING: The most current and most exciting news is that we are over 50% of the way to having a fully potty trained little boy. We have been working with him since January, putting him on the potty to go pee 2-3 times a day. Mainly in the morning and at night, which he was more than willing to do. We would say to go "Bubble" Pee and he would go and get excited that he made bubbles in the toilet. Then of course the best part, flushing :) Then 2-3 months ago, we put him in underwear for the day and with 1 hour he had pee'd his pants 5 times. Not ready. Then last weekend, I decided to try again. I was going to be home all day and outside for a good majority of the day. And it took. He had 3 accidents throughout the day (much better than 5 in an hour). And ever since Saturday night he has not had one single peeing accident. I can hardly believe it. He loves to "Go Pee"! We went to church on Sunday morning and I put a pull-up on him, just in case he told the teacher he had to go. Apparently he told her 5 times and it wasn't until the 5th time that he actually went. He was amazing this weekend. He started to grab himself when he felt he had to pee and would either tell us or we would ask him. I am soooo proud of him and excited! Pooping is another story, but that too is in the works. Today at day care he spent 30 minutes going back and forth to the toilet trying to go poop. Holding his back end and front, saying "Go Poop" So the interest is there, he just doesn't know how to yet. All in time. I still can't believe that he hasn't had an accident since Saturday night (morning or naps or anything :) I just hope that it continues.
THE JEEP: We bought him a Jeep (the one that they drive around and it can hold 2 kids) at a garage sale for $4. The best buy of the year!!! We knew that buying one at a garage sale would mean that we would need to buy a battery. But my genius of a husband figured out that they lawn mower battery was the same voltage and would work in the jeep. So for $4, Josiah is having the time of his life. I will post a picture when I get a chance. But he is so cute in this thing. But the crazy part is that he truly understands how to drive this thing. He can park the car in the garage and back it back out. He understands how to back up. How does a 2 1/2 year old know how to back up a car. I know adults that have difficulty doing this. He knows that if he gets stuck, to back up, turn the wheel and continue forward. How does he know this? I have no idea!! But the real kicker is that last night Josiah was driving the Jeep in the neighbors yard and Dan had told him not to one to many times. So he made Josiah park the Jeep in the garage and proceeded to unplug the battery. Dan left the car and Josiah and went back to what he was doing. Shortly after that, Dan hears the sound of the Jeep backing out of the garage. That little stinker (very smart stinker), figured out how to hook the battery back up. He understood that when Dan unhooked the battery (which Dan didn't think Josiah had witnessed), that that was the cause of his car not working. Then he figured out what Dan had done to the battery to make it not work and proceeded to fix it. 2 1/2 years old people! I don't even know how to hook the battery up to the Jeep, How is the world does a 2 1/2 year old know how to do this. Long story short: We love the Jeep and Josiah loves the jeep even more :)
TALKING: He is talking up a storm. Some of the funny things that he is saying these days: "Come Here, Right Now, Okay", "Right there, over there, down there, up there", "Josiah's turn, Okay", What doing?", We say to him "It's time to go Nigh-Nigh", his response "Really soon Nigh-Nigh", We tell his to say "Thank you" and he says "your welcome", Night time routine: I say "I love you" Josiah says "I love you too" I say "I love you more" Josiah says "I love you more" (my favorite I think).
PEANUT BUTTER: the catch all food. What do you want for breakfast "Peanut butter", what do you want for lunch "peanut butter", what do you want for dinner "Peanut butter", you get the picture!! Loves it!!!
MY FUN KID: He is just so much fun right now! Still gets lots of time-outs (which is very good about taking, most of the time), but for the most part, he is just so funny in the things he says and does. We are just loving spending time with him, which will come in handy when trying to budget because hanging out around the yard on the weekends is a lot of fun!!!
PICTURES: I will try and follow with some fun pictures here in the next week or so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Jeep incident was amazing! After giving it some thought, I have to say that Josiah may have inherited his Grandpa Doug's instinctive ability to know how things work. I'm not prejudiced; many people ask your Dad how he knows all the things he does. He is modest about it and says "he knows just enough to get by". I think he, like Josiah, is very amazing! Can't wait to see you all. Love, Kathie